Game of Thrones in Seville

Langue Anglais, Espagnol
Coût 50 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe de plus de 10 personnes
Durée 2 heures

All Game of Thrones and Song of Ice and Fire fans know that they can not miss this walk through the Watergardens and Sunspear, the dornish palaces and gardens in HBO’s tv show, shooted at the Alcazar of Seville, all while you watch the photos and scenes in the very same place .

I am so passionate about Game of Thrones as you are, so in addition of showing to you the different locations of the shooting set, they will tell you anecdotes and funny data . Besides, you will not believe how similar the real stories of the Royal Alcazar and those who built and inhabited the palace are similar to Game of Thrones.

Price is 50€ per person! (Tickets included)


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