Beer tasting tour in Salzburg

Langue Anglais, Allemand, Russe
Coût 130 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 2 heures

Did you know: Salzburg is the capital of Austrian beer???

So let´s have the funniest and best -sold tour in Salzburg!

We start at your hotel, visiting on the way about 4 or 5 exciting places of beer. The same way you will funny way learn about history and lifestyle in Salzburg, about Bavarian, Italian and Austrian influence to Salzburg gastronomy.

If you like, we can order a beer - excursion to one of the breweries as Stiegl or Augustiner.

So, please press the button and order the tour now!

PS: Do you know, why Bavarians do not drink water? They drink only beer!

Do you like more fun like this? Click on the button!

PPS: Beer is not included in the tour- but a certificate of praxator- your beer guide


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