Langue Anglais, Russe, Ouzbek
Coût 550 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 2 jours


Day 1: Nukus – Kungrad – Usturt Plateau – Sudochie lake – Aral Sea

In the morning after breakfast start a full day trip to Aral Sea through Ustyurt Plateau. The distance till the water line of Aral Sea is 450 km and it takes approximately 8-9 hours to cover it. Pass via Kungrad district, which used to be one of the trading centers on the Silk Road. On the way, see remains of a lighthouse; pass by the ruins of abandoned settlement Urga. Photo stop at the Lake Sudochie. Have a picnic lunch. Continue driving on the immense Usturt Plateau. Visit the last village close to the sea called as Komsomolsk. Visit local family house. Taste the camel milk and have a chat with the old man (landlord). Continue our way and Arrive at the Aral Sea late in the afternoon. Have a swim at the Aral sea. Take a shower at the Yurt camp. Have Camp-style dinner. Overnight at the Yurt camp

Meals: Lunch, Dinner

Day 2: Aral Sea – Muynak – Mizdakhan – Gyaur-Kala – Nukus

Early wake up to take pictures of sun rise. After breakfast visit the hidden fortress called as Kurgancha kala 13 century. Later head back to Nukus. Stop to take pictures of beautiful canyons and the collapsed land. Visit the Nomads cemetry. Drive on the dried bottom of the sea. Stop in Muynak to have a look at the former port with abandoned ships in the sand – “Cemetery of ships”. In Muynak, the Local History Museum is closed for repair work. You have a chance to visit local family house and have delicious lunch. On the way to Nukus, stop at Mizdakhan memorial complex and Gyaur-Kala Fortress. Arrive in Nukus. Overnight at the hotel.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

If you wish meal can be optional to order


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