Cherry blossom Festival in Tokyo

Langue Anglais
Coût 20000 JPY pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 5 heures

After winter, spring will come definitively in Tokyo. Cherry blossom tells that spring has come. Cherry Blossom Festival starts in Tokyo from the end of March. But we cannot yet control the timing of the festival. The festival timing fully depends on the nature.

The duration of Cherry blossoms lasts two weeks to four weeks from the blooming date depending on the climate of the year. Strong wind and heavy rain may blow and wash away cherry blossoms quickly. We, Japanese with the advanced technology, still cannot control the timing of blooming and the climate.

We will visit main cherry blossom spots including Imperial Palace( former Shogun's casle) and Ueno park ( the biggest cherry blossom festival site in Tokyo).

Cherry blossom festival in Tokyo went back to 17 th century. Ueno park was the garden of Kan-eiji Temple which was Tokugawa shogun's private temple. At the time of cherry blossoms, the garden of Temple was opened to the public. That was the start of cherry blossom festival in Edo( now Tokyo). Still tradition of cherry festival is maintained and every year more than 3 million visitors enjoy cherry blossom festival. Since the start of cherry blossom festival, they enjoyed eating and drinking than seeing the blossoms. Let's enjoy Festival!


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