Plitvice Lakes national park - magic of water

Langue Néerlandais, Anglais, croate
Coût 180 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe de plus de 10 personnes
Durée 6 heures

The national park of Plitvice Lakes is world famous for its lakes arranged in cascades. Currently, 16 lakes can be seen from the surface. These lakes are a result of the confluence of several small rivers and subterranean carst rivers. The lakes are all interconnected and follow the water flow.

They are separated by natural dams of travertine, which is deposited by the action of moss, algae, and bacteria. The particularly sensitive travertine barriers are the result of an interplay between water, air and plants. The encrusted plants and bacteria accumulate on top of each other, forming travertine barriers which grow at the rate of about 1 cm (0.4 in) per year.

The tour takes you around the lakes, visiting lakes and waterfalls, mystic and mythical places. While walking around we talk about the importance of water in our daily life, about the importance of preserving the nature and its ways for the future.

This tour is pure joy of this immense power, power that creates and destroys life, power of nature. And as we walk alongside this masterpiece, we become aware of our place in it, not bigger, not smaller, just the pure fact of oneness in this brief moment of existence.

There are many possibilities to walk the Plitvice lakes. There are walks from 3 to 9 hours walking along the many faces of the lakes. If your accommodation is near the lakes, it is best to visit as much as you can, taking 2 days to completely experience this pearl of nature.


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