5 Days and 4 Nights Feel The Desert

Langue Arabe, Anglais, Français, Espagnol
Coût 495 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe de plus de 10 personnes
Durée 5 jours

Day 1 : Marrakech – Higt Atlas – Ait Ben Haddou – Ouarzazate

Collection of 8: 30h in the morning at the hotel or Riad where they are staying in Marrakech.We go to the High Atlas through the Tizi stops N’Tichka with panoramic views.Visit Argan oil cooperative , where we discovered the process of completion and will explain the many benefits it has for the human body.Continue southward turning aside by a 6 km track that will take us to the village of Ait Ben Haddou , visit its Kasbah (declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO).In this spectacular setting movies have been shot as reputable as Gladiator or the Jewel of the Nile. Lunch in the village and continue to Ouarzazate.Considered the great desert door .Dinner and overnight at the Hotel

Day 2 : Ouarzazate – Draa Valley – Alnif – Dunes Merzouga

After breakfast we went to the Draa Valley , which highlights one of the longest rivers in Morocco.Stops to admire the charming adobe kasbahs and Berber villages that dot the route and the wonders of the Draa Valley .After lunch in Alnif , route two hours to reach the impressive dunes of Merzouga, where we take a tea hospitality while we rested a bit of travel.We left our bags at the hostel and we will not use in the desert and set off in a caravan of camels an hour and a half to take us to the foot of the Great Dune , tucked behind the beautiful desert sunset .Dinner and overnight camp in a tent in the heart of the desert under the spectacular canopy of stars .

Day 3 : Merzouga – Khamelia – Visit To Nomads – Merzouga

We woke before dawn to watch the sunrise.Back to Riad camel .Shower and breakfast .We left 4 × 4 to surround the Erg Chebbi sand expanse of desert where the Great Dune of Morocco, over 250 meters , connecting on track with part of the route taken by the former Paris -Dakar , withthe mountains bordering Algeria background .Stop at the oasis of Tissardmin and continue until a nomadic settlement where we will learn some secrets of her life and customs.Rear stop at a viewpoint where you can admire the Erg Chebbi together .Stop in Khamlia , indigenous people of Mali , where we can relax with a tea while enjoying a short concert of Gnawa music .Back to Riad , lunch and free time to climb the dunes and take advantage of a romantic sunset.After dinner bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with music to the beat of traditional drums Berbers, so we will have to dismiss the year from the desert, a year differently under a blanket of single starsand indescribable that will take us into the new year that will surely leave you a deep and rewarding experience .Accommodation in Riyadh.

 Day 4 : Merzouga – Todra Gorges –

Valley Dades

Drive to Erfoud and Rissani to visit the fossilized marble factory before continuing on to the palm of Touroug and Tinjdad .Reach one of the strengths of the South : the Todra Gorges .The channel of the River Todra Gorge has formed a vertical wall of huge proportions and beautiful ;It is a paradise for climbers and a unique place.Lunch at the site and a half hour walk to see the Gorges calmly .In the afternoon continue to the Dades Valley through Boumalne .Arrival in the Dades Gorge .Dinner and overnight at the Hotel.

Day 5 : Dades Valley – Skoura – Ouarzazate – Marrakech

After breakfast we depart by road dotted with Kasbahs , all different .After several stops we head towards the path of a Thousand Kasbahs , the Valley of the Roses, The Great Skoura palm .Arrival in Ouarzazate , visit the kasbah of Taourirt which was formerly the residence of Glaoui or Pasha of Marrakech.Lunch at the site.We left the mountain Tizi N’Tichka with stops to enjoy the spectacular views offered .Arrive in Marrakech on 17 h .Transfer to Hotel and end of our services


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