Monarch butterfly tour (Morelia)

Langue Anglais, Espagnol
Coût 139 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 8 heures

Found 1976, thanks to research by Canadian scientist Fred Urquhart, the winter refuge of the monarch butterfly in central Mexico is a real wonder of nature. Declared a UNESCO protected natural site in 2008, it´s the green place where butterflies that leave Canada & the United States mountain areas in the fall come & hide in the woods of “El Rosario” sanctuary (Michoacán, Mexico), to hibernate from late November to February. Due to their sexual maturing in March, they reproduce a new generation of butterflies that will continue the millennial migration flight to North America; when the spring begins. Well preserved to present day by WWF & Monarch Watch among other NGO´s is now recovering from a serious reduced number of butterflies from the last 5 years. Note: Starts with 2 people in my car. It´s possible to customize this group tour to more than 3 people.


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