One day Inca trail

Langue Anglais
Coût 200 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe de plus de 10 personnes
Durée 8 heures


Hike for a day on a beautiful portion of an Inca trail from Cusco to visit Inca ruins of religious retreats, ceremonial sites, and a royal palace.

We will see the Inca “solar puma city” which, during the winter solstice aligns, creating the beautiful shape of a mystical puma.

Our hike will take us on the Inca trail to the Antisuyo (east) and the Temple of the Moon. Along this part of the trail we will see Inca ruins and huacas (ceremonial shrines)

After visiting the Temple of the Moon, we will pass through two ecosystems and note the uniqueness of the flora and fauna. Continuing along the trail, we will appreciate that is adapted to the local geography, as we further explore remote, isolated Inca sites, impressive terraced farming areas, and Inca ruins dating from the fifteenth century.

In these spectacular places, in the most beautiful natural settings, there are ruins of ceremonial water fountains where initiation and water rituals took place ensuring fertility and abundance. Astronomers, solar high priests and priestess used nearby “huacas”, ceremonial places, for ritual offerings. Here they also made solar and astronomical observations with which they built the agriculture and religious calendar.

In these high stone retreats, natural organic architecture harmonizes with the beautiful man made structures that adapt to the land and the ecosystems, where Pachamama or Madre Tierra or Mother Earth has special meaning, symbolism and power.

In this unique, tranquil environment, with its beautiful flora and fauna, we may even hear the sounds of beautiful birds like finches and hummingbirds, we will see beautiful trees like Queuñas and Chachacomos that are native to the Andes.

In these spectacular places, in the most beautiful natural settings, there are ruins of ceremonial water fountains where initiation and water rituals took place ensuring fertility and abundance. Astronomers, solar high priests and priestess used nearby “huacas”, ceremonial places, for ritual offerings. Here they also made solar and astronomical observations with which they built the agriculture and religious calendar. In these high stone retreats, natural organic architecture harmonizes with the beautiful man made structures that adapt to the land and the ecosystems, where Pachamama or Madre Tierra or Mother Earth has special meaning, symbolism and power.

In this unique, tranquil environment, with its beautiful flora and fauna, we may even hear the sounds of beautiful birds like finches and hummingbirds, we will see beautiful trees like Queuñas and Chachacomos that are native to the Andes


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