Langue Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien
Coût 70 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe de plus de 10 personnes
Durée 9 heures

It is a maze of more than 200 islands covered with mangroves, mangroves, Baobab, constituting a Network of countless Bolong where mixes salt and soft water. It is also a way to get an idea of the bush. If Paradise Land exists, it is undoubtedly in the islands of Saloum. A hundred islands appearing at the bend of the mangrove by thousands, raising on their roots, a swarm of crab fish, a real decoration of postcard .

Discovery of the Sérères and Pehls villages, canoeing on the banks of the Sine or several birds.

Lunch at the edge of the island, return through the palm forest of Samba Dia, where the shepherds adventure with their zebu. An authentic Senegal.

In privative 145 euros 02 pax included transport, lunch, canoe trip, 01 water, guide, chauffeur

Group 04 pax 70 euros including the same services


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