PISA walking tour

Langue Anglais, Italien, Espagnol
Coût 130 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 2 heures

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of Tuscany’s major attractions.

You might have seen hundreds of photos and postcards with the Cathedral complex and

the “bent” famous monument, nothing can prepare you for the actual sight of this UNESCO

World Heritage Site.

The square is so magnificent that it couldn’t have a more appropriate name: FIELD OF

MIRACLES. The snow white marble of the buildings shines against the blue of the sky and

the bright green of the grass, the refined architecture of the monuments shows off Pisa’s

glorious past and the Leaning Tower seems to defy the law of gravity.

Enjoy a walking tour of the Cathedral square, visit the city’s attractions like the

BAPTISTERY, CATHEDRAL and CAMPOSANTO and avoid the queues with a skip-theline

ticket to the LEANING TOWER.

Price for skip-the-line tickets for monuments is never included in the guide fee


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