Transfer from Tbilisi to Gudauri Ski Resort

Langue Anglais, géorgien, Russe
Coût 130 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 3 heures

The famous old Georgian military road on the road Ananuri fortress and Zhinval water reservoir. This is an unforgettable view and interesting in its history and architectural structure of the 15th century fortress.

- a resort mountain town of Gudauri, a lookout platform on the Caucasus major ridge and the source of the Aragvi River

- the last object of this journey is the church of St. The Trinity in Gergeti is a monastery from the 14th century, the history of the foundation is not known, but it is located above the Terek in front of Mount Kazbek


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