Toubkal summit 6 days trek via Lake Ifni

Langue Anglais, Français, Espagnol
Coût 360 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 6 jours

Toubkal summit 6 days trek via Lake Ifni

Day 1: Imlil – Tizi ntamatere (2279m) – Wanskra – Tachdirth :

from Imlil , we set out along a dirty road for a 1 hour and 45 minutes hike towards the east up to the Tizi n’tamaterte (2279m) on through fields of barley and orchards of walnuts , appel and cherry trees until we reach the village of tamaterte. Once through the village we shall take a path wich leads us up though pine and juniper woods we stop at the tizi to admire the imlil and Imnane valleys , this latter with its many berber villages tucked precariously onto the slopes stretching around us . We carry on along the upper valley slopes for another hour or so to the villages of first Wanskra and then Amagdoul set amidst terraced plots of land carved from the hard slopes where we shall stop for our field picnic on the plateau used, in summer, as a favored bivouac site . our afternoon will be spent hiking for some 2 hours up through the valley along the mule trails untill we reach the pretty- and the

oldest-berber in the toubkal massif ( tachdirth 2291m),set amongst terraced plots clawed from the surrounding craggy slopes, where we will overnight in gite d’etape .

Day 2 : Wanskra – Tizi n’likemet – Aazib n’likemt :

after an early breakfast , we set out for 7 hours hike,4 hours upper foothills of tizi Likemet (3550m) where we will have to stop and enjoy the view , again giving us some awesome views of the jagged peaks and verdant valleys. From here we set off down for 1 hour then stop for our picnic. After lunch another hour to get to the cam wich set off just beside the aouri viver , night in tents in azib n’likemet .

Day 3: aazib n’likemet - tizi n’aouri - amsouzarte:

from the azib we start our 7 hours hike by walking up the aouri river and directlyon to the tizi n’ aouri (3109m) wher we will stop for our picnic surrounded by peaks and valleys. This afternoon we slowly descend along the zigzaging paths into the ighir n’tagnite untill we arrive at the berber village of tagnite in tifnoute valley . a brief stop before hiking down further untill we reach the village of amsouzarte (1740m) where we will have dinner in a berber family’s home.

Day 4: amsouzarte –imhilne – lake ifni :

After breakfast, today’s hike is shorter than the previous day’s,for tomorrow and the day after are reasonably tough going . we strike out south up the valley of assif n’izli , through the village of abtraoui , takaterte and imhilne untill we arrive at the lake ifni, (2295m) after some 4 hours where we will stop for our picnic in the midst of quiet waters and steep slopes of the looming mountains. Here we set up camp whilst our evening’s meal is being prepared.

Day 5 : lake ifni- tizi n’ounoums- Toubkal refuge:

brekfasteds and refreshed , we set out on 6 hours hike towards the north-west up to the col of tizi ounnoums (3600m).once through the pass we stop for our picnic amongst awessome surrounding of the toubkal massif .from here we will continue directly to the toubkal refuge (3207m) where we can either bivouac on the surrounding slopes or overnight in the refuge. Whilst tonight’s dinner is being prepared, there will be ample opportunity to stroll around the area and look at tomorrow’s challenge-the summit of the highest jbel in the maghreb.

Day 6: toubkal refuge – toubkal summit 4167m – Toubkal refuge – Imlil – Marrakech.

A very early breakfast to set out at around 5 in the morning to obttain after 3 hour steep climb, the highest peak in the maghreb.the panorama from the summit is simply stunning. this remarkable climb and view is really worth the effort . whenever you are ready , we shall descent via the Ikhibi sud- or south circuit- for a straightforward 2to 3 hours descent back to the refuge and our picnic, now set off towards the north along steeply descending , zigzagging trails of the higher slopes of the valley of Assif n’issganne towards the Berber shrine of Sidi Chamharouch . After 7 Kms we will arrive to Imlil. Where you will meet your driver to set off to Marrakech.

Included in the price :

English speaking guide, and cook

Muleteers and mules for luggages

Accommodation in Trekking

Not included :

Travel insurance.

Soft/alcoholic drinks

Tips and personal expanses

Essential Equipment & Clothing:

Good walking boots and socks / good trainers

Personnel First aid Kit

3 to 4 season sleeping bag

Day sack/backpack

Head torch / headlamp

Lightweight waterproof over-trousers / rain-pants


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