Chasing the Traces of Neolithic Era

Langue Anglais, Espagnol
Coût 1500 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 6 jours

Day 1.

Pick up at Adıyaman airport

Cendere Bridge: A Roman bridge around the mountain road towards Urfa.

Karakuş Tumulus: The mausolea of the Kommagene Kingdom queens

Mountain Nemrut visit: Climbing to the peak of mountain Nemrut to see the giant god and goddess heads and cult area of 1. Antioch.

Overnight stay in a mountain hotel


Drive to Urfa: Gobeklıtepe visit: A 10000-year-old neolithic site, a revolutionary discovery of recent years. After visiting the excavation area to see the mysterious megaliths we will complete the neolithic history of Urfa by visiting the archeology museum.

Urfa Archeology Museum and Halepli Bahçe Mosaic Museum visit: One of the largest museums in Turkey located close to the old town. Offers a panorama of the neolithic history of north Mesopotamia with over 10,000 pieces of artifacts found in the archeological sites around Urfa.

Overnight stay in Urfa (a boutique hotel)

Day 3.

Abraham’s pool and cave, Urfa citadel, and old bazaars walking tour: Urfa, by its historical name Edessa is known to be the city of prophets. During this walking tour, you’ll be able to follow the traces of the Roman, Christian, and Muslim heritage of the city.

Harran village visit: A junction point on the Silk Road, with its 7000-year-old history, might be as interesting as the neolithic sites of the Urfa area. After visiting the excavation site in Harran and giving a tea break in a traditional Harran house we’ll discover the ancient sites around Tektek mountains.

Sogmatar Village

Karahantepe neolithic site: The most recent archeological discovery Urfa area is still being excavated but is also open to the public. Gives us an idea about the neolithic culture of the Euphrates region.

Drive to Mardin, overnight stay in Mardin (a boutique hotel)


Deyrulzafaran Monastery: A monastery a few kilometers from the center, famous for its spectacular architecture and the former patriarchate of the Syriac Orthodox church for 600 years.

Kasimiye Madrasah: Located at an overlooking point to the Mesopotamian plain, known as the largest theological school

Dara Ancient Site: An old Roman military base on the way to the Silk Road, the necropolis, and water cisterns of the city are worth seeing.

Old Mardin town walking tour

-Kırklar Church: One of the oldest Syriac Orthodox Churches in the old town.

-Mardin Museum: Set in a historical building complex at the major square of the city. A short and brief look through the deep history of the city.

-Zinciriye Madrasah: A historical theological school building located at the closest point to the castle.

-Sabancı City Museum: Former army barracks in the city are now a beautiful city museum.

Peopleazaars: Besides the main street accessible through the back streets of Mardin, various shops local people still visit every day.

-Grand Mosque: Islamic symbol of Mardin, built in the 11th century.

Overnight stay in Mardin

Day.5 (optional)

Drive to Diyarbakır

Old Town Walking tour

Grand mosque of Diyarbakır

Old Bazaars

The Citadel and Diyarbakır archeology museum visit

Tour details:

Limited to 8 people

Please ask for price information and availability!


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