4 Days Lalibela Churches & Yemerhane Kirstos Cave Church

Langue Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol
Coût 570 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 4 jours

Day -1

Fly to Lalibela and take the airport shuttle transfer to the town and visit the rock hewn churches

After lunch we will drive to sits where we find a concentration of some of Ethiopia most famous Rock hewn churches, mostly referred by many as " the living wonders of the world " this churches are they have been here for at list 900 years, an active christen shrine, spiritual center of the country religious life.

Then we will visit Northwestern Clusters of churches this group contains, Bet Medhane Alem ,Bet Maryam, Bet Meskel, Bet Danaghel, Bet Mikael & Golgotha

Overnight ;- Lalibela

Day -2

After breakfast, drive to Yimrehane Kirstos. The built-up cave church of Yimrhane Kirstos itself predates the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela by eighty years. This is one of the most beautiful built-up cave church, built from marvel, wood and beautifully decorated from inside and outside with untold skill architecture. In the back side of the cave, you will also see many mummified bodies of pilgrims from centuries ago.

After lunch, continue to visit the Southeastern Cluster of Lalibela churches – Bet Gabriel-Rufael, Bet Merkorios, Bet Amanual, and Bet Abba Libanos

Overnight ;- Lalibela

Day -3

After breakfast trek to visit the monastery church of Asheton Mary (3200m above sea level)The monastery is located 2.5hr walk from Lalibela and is still Active

On the way to the monastery, you will explore the way of life of the Ethiopian highland people

After Lunch we visit the most famous of all the churches – Bet Giyorgis, a huge monolithic in the shape of a cross, and constructed in honor of St. George, the patron saint of Ethiopia

Overnight :- Lalibela

Day -4

Early morning we will attend church service at the biggest church of Lalibela in Bet Medhane Alem just to assure you still the churches are active for 900years.

After breakfast we will drive back to Lalibela airport for your flight to Addis.

I advice you to book the early flight back to Addis

Price includes

Entrance fees for all attractions & Churches

Private English speaking guide

Accommodation for 3 Nights including breakfast

Transfer in and out from Lalibela airport, City transfer

Drive to Yemerhane Kirstos Cave Church

Trek to Asheton Merry monastery & Hudad Eco - Lodge

All Government Taxes

Attending early morning church services at the biggest churches of Lalibela

Ethiopian Traditional coffee Ceremony at my home

Packed Water in every Journey

Price Excluded

Domestic Flight Tickets


Alcohol Drinks

Other personal Expenses, Tips and Camera Fees

All except which are not mentioned above


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