Day tour to Nizwa

Langue Arabe, Anglais
Coût 340 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 8 heures

This tour begins with Nizwa, the former capital of Oman. The Nizwa Souq is one most popular markets in the country. A diverse range of vendors sell goods on the streets of the souq. From f ish, meat, vegetable to pottery, jewelry, handicrafts, and souvenirs, all are sold at this authentic old marketNext .

Next to the Souq is the Nizwa Fortress is located next to the Souq. This fort is now a museum with stunning views of the ancient town, surrounded by mountains. You can walk around this magnificent fortress and explore the rooms, passages, and towers with a good read of the history.

Then we drive to Jabal Al-Akdhar, also known as "The Green Mountain," to see panoramic views of Nizwa and Izki and to capture canyons in your cameras.

After lunch, we'll drive down to Barkat AlMouz Village, where we'll find the traditional "falaj" which is a beautiful water channel. We can take a stroll around the old town before we head back to Muscat by late afternoon.


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