Private Day Trip to Essaouira from Marrakesh

Langue Chinois, Anglais, Français, Portugais, Espagnol
Coût 50 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 8 heures

From the red city, Marrakech our tour is going to start towards a unique place in Morocco Essaouira, When arriving, you are going to explore a special town in Morocco the greatest with its historical sides , starting by Scala the kasbah the copy of the french coastal town saint-Malo,buildby the French architecture “Théodore Cornut”. Next you are going to walk through the old Medina and enjoy the rich handicraft products that the city provide, Also the Jewish headquarter, and the antique traditional colored houses in the Medina.

At the evening we are going to get back to Marrakech, where our services are going to end.


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