Issyk-Kul Round Eco Tour 7 days

Langue Anglais, Kyrgyz, Russe, Turc
Coût 1525 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 1 semaine

Throughout the route you will visit different climatic zones of Kyrgyzstan, a variety of landscapes, from the desert, with azure beaches, to the alpine peaks with pointed peaks of the Tien Shan will amaze your imagination. You will visit the two largest high-mountain lakes of Kyrgyzstan and the world, such as Issyk-Kul Lake considered to be the visiting card of the country and no less attractive Son-Kul lake located at an altitude of more than 3000 meters above sea level.

You will visit about five waterfalls not similar to each other and sometimes with enchanting names, and also National Reserves such as Ala-Archa, Jeti-Oguz and others will not leave you indifferent. You will visit the Buraninskoye ancient settlement with its famous Burana Tower and a museum of different epochs dating back to the 8th century BC. Here you will come in contact with the untouched nature of mountains, forests, rivers, animals, nomadic traditions and the centuries-old history of the Great Silk Road.

Programme of the tour:

Day 1:

5:00 Meeting at Manas airport with guide and accommodation at the hotel (duration: 40 minutes 30km)

13:00 Lunch in the traditional style

14:00 Departure to the National Preserve of Ala-Archa

18:00 Departure to Bishkek

19:00 Dinner in the national style

Day 2:

9:00 Departure to the Kegety waterfall (duration 1.5-2 hours 85 km)

11:00 Departure for Buraninskoe Gorodishche Burana Tower (duration 40min 30km)

12:30 Departure to the Boom Gorge (duration 1.5 h 80 km)

14:00 Lunch at the cafe of the Boom Gorge

15:00 Departure to Son-Kul lake and placing in the yurt camp (duration 3.5-4 hours 165 km)

19:00 Dinner at the camp

Day 3:

9:00 Peshye and horseback riding in the mountains, to the lake

12:00 Lunch in the camp

13:00 Departure to the Son-Kul waterfall (duration 40min 30km)

14:30 Departure to the Southern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kajy-sai accommodation in the yurot camp (duration 4,5-5 hours 250 km)

19:00 Dinner at the camp

Day 4:

9:00 Departure to the Canyon Skazka (duration 15min 10km)

10:30 Departure to the waterfalls of Barskoon "Tears of the Leopard", "Bowl of Manas" ("Shamskoy Spray"), "Beard of Aksakal" (duration 45-50min 40km)

13:00 Lunch at the Barskoon Gorge

14:00 Departure to the Dzheti-Oguz Nature Reserve waterfall "Devichye Volosy" (duration 2 hours 100 km)

19:00 Dinner at the Jeti-Oguz Reserve

20:00 Departure to the city of Karakol accommodation in the guest house (duration 1 hour 80 km)

Day 5:

9:00 Departure to Chon-Oruktu Thermal Springs

12:00 Lunch at Thermal Springs c. Chon-Oruktu

13:00 Departure to the Kyrchyn gorge to the stadium of the World Nomadic Games (duration 1 hour 40km)

15:00 Departure to Grigoryevskoe Gorge (duration 30 minutes 10 km)

17:00 Departure to the city of Cholpon-Ata accommodation in the guest house (duration 1.5 hours 40km)

19:00 Dinner in the national style

Day 6:

9:00 Boat trip, Ferris wheel, Water slides

11:00 Departure to the Cultural Center "Rukh-Ordo" named after Ch. Aitmatov

13:00 Lunch in the national style

14:00 Museum of Petroglyphs 5-8 cc. BC.

15:30 Departure to Bishkek (duration 3.5 hours 270 km)

19:00 Dinner in Bishkek in the national style

20:00 Accommodation in the hotel

Day 7:

3:30 Departure to Manas airport (duration 40 minutes 30km)

The price is including accomodation with breakfasts, lunches,dinner,car or bus with fuel and english speaking proffesional driver and guide Any additional Option is available, changable and flexible. Possibility to increase amount of a guest from 1 to 7 persons.

Please Welcome!

Issyk-Kul Lake

Son-Kul Lake

Number of days: 7


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