Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Langue Anglais, Allemand, Russe
Coût 75 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 6 heures

Welcome to Belovezhskaya Pushcha

In ancient times, during the spring floods, the space around Belovezhskaya Pushcha turned into a huge sea, above which, like an island, a forest was rising, where the animals fled from the flood.

The richness of the animal world, the abundance of the beast and silicon, as well as the presence of the waterway from the Baltic to the Black Sea, attracted hunters here and created good conditions for people's lives.

AREA - 150 th. ha

FLORA - 1024 species

FAUNA - 12000 species

FOREST - 117 th. ha


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