Langue Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Portugais
Coût 180 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 3 heures

Created in 1914, the tram 28 route is much sought-after because it passes through several of Lisbon's historical neighbourhoods. However, doing it with the actual tram will require you to queue and wait in line at Martim Moniz square for up to three hours in the heat and you will most probably end up standing inside a very crowded tramcar. Also, take in consideration that several of the landmarks, such as the highest point in town, are a fair walk up-hill from the closest respective tram stop. By following the route with an Electric Tuk Tuk you will enjoy as our professional Tour Leader stops at every point of interest and allows you to take the time to admire the viewpoints, monuments and take all the pictures you like, while understanding the history and place of all you see and experience.


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