National museum and 30-Tir street

Langue Anglais
Coût 35 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 4 heures

Touring and walking through the length of 30-Tir street may not last for half a day, but its width is equal to all the memories that have been seen overthere. It is not just a street; it is the beginning of the embodiment of the coexistence and sympathy of the religions. A Mosque, two churches, Zoroastrian fire temple and synagogue all on the same street; the fluid intimacy that runs on the streets on the streets on Saturdays with the tune of the churches and sacred sounds of Azan. If you want to look for a body of the Constitutional Revolution in Iran, we might be able to take the example of the "Religious Street". In addition to familiarizing with religious monuments of various religions.30tir street also contains 2museums.First of all the national museum of iran,and abgineh museum(Glassware and ceramic museum).This tour is organized individually and in groups.Send message for price or further informations.


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