Vsit Karnak temples & Luxor temple

Langue Arabe, Anglais, Allemand
Coût 70 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 4 heures

The temples of Karnak are considered among the greatest buildings constructed by men all over the world. The main element of the Karnak temples is the great temple of Amun-Ray, which occupies an area exceeding  60 hectares. It was called Karnak because the name from the hieroglyphs ( Ka- R-ink) House of geese, which represents the idol, Amon - Ray.

When you visit the Karnak temples, there is a sense of amazement and human invention. Here everything has a meaning and every stone tells its story.

Therefore, we will accompany you on this trip for more or less than 3 full hours, in which we see the Temple of Amun from the beginning of the first pylon, the road of rams, the open courtyard, and the Temple of Ramses III , Taharqa columns and statues of Ramses.

We head north to the Open Air Museum, the Red Chapel, the Alabaster Chapel and the Sunsert Chapel.

At the southern gate we watch King Seti I's wars a, and enter the great hypostyle hall in Karnak temple, one of the wonders of the world.

After we finish this gigantic hall, we head east to the Obelisks of Hatshepsut, the pylon of Thutmose the third, the Holy of Holies, the Opet Feast, the Tuthmosis Celebration Hall, the Botanical Garden, the Eastern Gate, the Holy Lake, and the scarab lucky charm that sometimes brings good luck, Try to wrap around it seven times.

Finally, we head to the southern axis of Amun Temple, from the sixth to the ninth pylon, then visiting the Temple of Khonsu and the Sphinx Road, where we follow Amun's journey on his annual obit to the borders of his sanctuary in Luxor Temple.

Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple is one of the most important architectural temples in Egypt, which was built in the modern state.

Egypt had three great empires, the old state, the middle state and the modern state.

In the era of the New Kingdom 1500 BC, this temple was built when Thebes (Luxor) was the capital of Egypt, which was ruled by great kings.

Enjoy your visit to this unique temple with a qualified tour guide approved by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.

Castra Tours has the possibility of all available languages.


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