Vally of Nobels& Ramesseum Temple

Langue Arabe, Anglais, Allemand
Coût 45 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 4 heures

Tombs of the Nobles

It is the most important tomb west of Luxor. It tells about the daily life of the pharaohs and the various jobs of the nobles. It is divided into four main areas with more than 500 discovered tombs. The tombs of the nobles of the Western Mountain are located in Luxor, west of the Nile, and extend from the beginning of the road to the Valley of the Kings to the tombs of the Valley of the Queens at a distance of seven kilometers. The tombs are considered one of the most beautiful tombs after the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, where the nobles come into the center that follows the kings and priests. The tombs of the nobles in Luxor express scenes from the daily life that he practiced in his life and which he hoped to practice in the other world.

Such as documenting various agricultural and industrial works, fishing, birds, commercial trips made by the kings and princes of that era, and military achievements. These inscriptions included expressions of the afterlife, starting with funeral rites and the divine trial.

Therefore, you will find a lot of inscriptions and drawings in different colors, which makes visiting the tombs of the nobles a real pleasure and a must-do experience.

Ramesseum Temple

One of the temples of Ramses II, in which he depicted his battles with the Hittites, was also one of the temples of memorialization.


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