2 Days Safari in Tanzania

Langue Anglais
Coût 1000 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 2 jours

A 2-day safari itinerary in Tanzania would be quite short but still can offer an immersive wildlife experience. One popular destination for such a short safari is the Tarangire National Park, known for its large elephant population and diverse wildlife. Here's a sample itinerary:

Day 1:


Depart from Arusha (or another nearby town) early in the morning, around 6 or 7 AM.

Drive to Tarangire National Park (approximately 2-3 hours drive depending on the starting point).

Arrive at the park gate and proceed with entry formalities.

Mid-Morning to Afternoon:

Begin your game drive upon entering the park. Your safari guide will take you through various parts of the park, searching for wildlife.

Explore different habitats within the park, such as the riverine forests, grasslands, and baobab tree-studded landscapes.

Stop for a picnic lunch at one of the designated picnic spots within the park.

Late Afternoon:

Continue your game drive, focusing on spotting wildlife that is more active during the cooler parts of the day.

Head towards your accommodation, which could be a lodge or tented camp within or near the park.

Check-in and relax for a bit, enjoying the views and perhaps a sundowner drink.


Have dinner at your accommodation, where you can share stories of the day's sightings with fellow travelers.

If your accommodation offers night game drives or bush walks, consider participating for a different perspective on the park's nocturnal wildlife.

Day 2:

Early Morning:

Wake up before dawn for an early morning game drive, as this is one of the best times to spot predators such as lions and leopards.

Enjoy a packed breakfast during the game drive, stopping at a scenic spot within the park.

Mid-Morning to Early Afternoon:

Continue your game drive, exploring different areas of the park and looking for any wildlife you may have missed the previous day.

Take advantage of any opportunities for birdwatching, as Tarangire is home to a wide variety of bird species.

Late Afternoon:

Return to your accommodation for lunch and perhaps a short siesta.

Check out of your accommodation and depart from the park, starting your journey back to Arusha or your next destination.

This itinerary offers a condensed but fulfilling safari experience in Tarangire National Park, allowing you to see a variety of wildlife and landscapes within a relatively short timeframe. Keep in mind that wildlife sightings can never be guaranteed, but with luck and a knowledgeable guide, you're likely to have some memorable encounters.


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