Peninsula Panorama: A Day of Coastal Elegance

Langue Anglais, Italien
Coût 4250 ZAR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 9 heures

This awe-inspiring tour to the towering headland known as Cape Point encompasses magnificent white beaches, mind-blowing sceneries, and picturesque coastal villages.

The mountains drop into the crystal clear ocean. The mountainsides are carpeted in green and delicate florals that make up the Cape Floral Kingdom: the smallest of all the floral kingdoms and the only one to fall completely inside the borders

of a single country.

One of the main highlights is

Boulders Beach, where you

will get close to the African Penguins.

All entrances, toll roads, meals and beverage excluded.


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