Cape Town Kaleidoscope: Embracing History, Culture, Lifestyle, and Nature

Langue Anglais, Italien
Coût 195 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 8 heures

Cape Town, a bustling hub born over three centuries ago, started as a pit stop for adventurous sailors heading East.

From humble beginnings, it bloomed into a vibrant melting pot of races and cultures, painting the vibrant soul of the mother city. Cape Town's DNA is a fusion of cultural, ethnic, traditional, and religious threads, weaving a rich tapestry.

The tour dives into the city's history, exploring iconic monuments, unfolding the city's natural beauty, from lush mountains to pristine beaches, soaking in the breathtaking landscape.

Let the discovery begin!

Excluded: entrances, toll roads, meals, and drinks are not included. Let the discovery begin!


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