Tamgaly tas near river Ili.

Langue Anglais, Russe
Coût 130 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 6 heures

Tamgaly-Tas is a site of Tibetan-Oirat art and epigraphy of the XVIIth - XVIIIth centuries, located in the Almaty Region, 25km north-west of Kapshagay City, on the right bank of the Ili River.

In the middle part of Ili Kapshagay (canyon), at the foot of the erosion rock ledge about 500 m long and 40 - 45 m high, an accumulation of boulders has 17 surfaces depicting four Buddha images (Shakyamuni, Bhaisajyaguru, Akshobya and Nageshvararaja), bodhisattvas of Avalokiteshvara and about 30 inscriptions executed in Tibetan and Oirat writing.


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