Plitvice Lakes Full-day Private Tour

Langue Anglais, croate, Espagnol
Coût 170 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 10 heures

Explore Plitvice Lakes, the first Croatian national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in a full-day tour. Start your tour with the view of the beautiful Big Waterfall and continue walking the wooden paths over the Lower Lakes to the Lake Kozjak, the largest lake in the Park. Take the boat across Kozjak to get to Upper Lakes and continue your exploration of the beauties of this amazing place.

The price is valid only for the service of the tour guide.

Private transfer can be organised upon request for up to 7 people. The price will be adjusted accordingly.

Entrance tickets to the Plitvice Lakes National Park and parking fee if you have your own vehicle are not included in the price.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to dress in comfortable clothes and good walking shoes (open-toed shoes are ok but for your own safety, please refrain from using flip-flops). Swimming in the lakes is strictly forbidden. Taking photos is allowed, but please be careful when taking them, especially when you are doing selfies. Make sure you are hydrated at all times, especially in summertime, when the temperatures go up, as this is mostly a walking tour.


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