Guided Tour to River Venta Waterfall & UNESCO Kuldiga town

Langue Anglais, Russe
Coût 250 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 8 heures

Kuldiga, a medieval town, is a true gem of the Kurzeme region, located 130 km from Riga. Narrow streets and 18th-19th centuries houses with red roof tiles are well-preserved and create a romantic atmosphere in the town. Because of its authentic planning and architecture which reflects the local building traditions of the 17th and 18th centuries, Kuldiga has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites. This is a town where several movies were filmed as well. During the tour we will visit the picturesque historical center, the old red brick bridge is one f the longest in Europe and see the waterfall on the River Venta. That is about 250 meters wide and impressive. Then there will be lunch in one of Kuldiga's cozy cafes, which will be chosen according to your preferences. On the way to Kuldiga it is possible to make a stop at the Sabile town, which is known for its open-air vineyard (included in the Guinness World Book of Records as the northernmost). Sabile also hosts a Garden of Dolls - an open-air exhibition with life-size dolls dressed up in different costumes and exposing different scenes of everyday life.


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