Kbal Spean, Banteay Srei and Banteay Samre

Langue Anglais
Coût 175 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 1 jour

• Departure: Early morning

• Return: Afternoon

• Remarks: Medium level of fitness required, 3km round trek in the jungle, wear sturdy shoes and bring rucksack for water

• Sites you will visit: Kbal Spean, River of Thousand Lingas, Banteay Srei, Banteay Samre

• Highlights: active exploration, jungle, nature, waterfall, architecture, history

Put on your walking shoes and discover the Cambodian jungle! Hidden from the beaten track lies Kbal Spean with the “River of Thousand Lingas” and an impressive waterfall. To get to the top of Kbal Spean and appreciate the intricately carved stone river bed you have to conquer a fairly steep incline, but fear not – the path is well worn and the biggest obstacles and boulders are overcome by series of well maintained wooden staircases, yet at least medium level of fitness is required for this 3km jungle walk.

You will have a lunch break locally and rest during the hottest part of the day.

On your way back you will visit a small temple of Banteay Srei well known for its beautiful delicate carvings in warm pink sandstone. This late 10th century structure is fairly compact and very different from other Angkorian temples. To round off your day you may also visit Banteay Samre – a larger temple which is often overlooked by tourists and looks gorgeous in late afternoon light. Travelling back to Siem Reap you will pass through picturesque villages and may wish to stop for rural photo opportunities along the way.


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