Southern Caribbean & Imperial Plantations Journey

Langue Anglais, Français, Allemand
Coût 72 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 7 heures

Rich history, fascinating culture and delectable cuisine  you’ll discover all of this and more on a tour that explores Martinique’s notable sights and deep flavors.

 Your day begins at Le Domaine de La Pagerie, the childhood home of Josephine de Beauharnais, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte and the first empress of France. As you wander around the former sugar plantation, you’ll browse a small museum and view period documents, paintings and furniture.  .  

At Trois Rivieres Distillery, you’ll learn the three-centuries-long history behind the estate while tasting its renowned white and dark rums. Then take a seat beside the dazzling Caribbean at Restaurant, where you’ll savor an exceptional Creole meal featuring spicy accra fritters, curried chicken, fresh fish, coconut flan, regional wine and coffee. After lunch enjoy an additional hour for shopping. A visit to Ste. Anne Village may land you with authentic souvenirs like handmade ceramics created by local artisans.

Along the route back to port, enjoy picturesque views of Les Anses d’Arlet village, the Anse Cafard slave monument, and stately Diamond Rock. 

Your last stop at the Sugar-Cane Museum 


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