Langue Anglais, Turc
Coût 330 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 5 heures

If you are looking for a day out with your family why not spend the day at Larnaca Camel park in Mazotos.We'll drive to Mazotos from Larnaca. You will see camels, poneys, ostriches, deer, donkeys and many more animals. If you wish you can relax at the pool bar, play games or just ride a friendly camel. Do not forget to buy some carobs right at the entrance so you can enjoy feeding them. When you are hungry we'll have a break and go to the camel park restaurant. The restaurant offers a variety of Cypriot dishes. So if you like to have a great family day out while you are in Cyprus this tour will be ideal for you to make the day memorable.

Duration: 5 hrs


* Transportation

* A small bottle of water for each participant

* Entrance tickets




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