Langue Anglais, Turc
Coût 300 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 7 heures

I'll take you to Lefkara village which is well known for its lacework called 'lefkaritika' and also for its silver handicrafts. What does this place have to do with Leonardo da Vinci? I will tell you all about it while we walk on the narrow streets of this unique Cypriot village.

The capital of the island is Nicosia/ Lefkosa/ Lefkosia, it has been the capital since 11AD, and it's the only capital of the world that is divided into 2 parts. St. Sophia Cathedral, Buyuk Han, Bedesten, Venetian Column, Kyrenia Gate, Ledra Street, and many other sites remaining from the Lusignan, Venetian, and Ottoman periods will be seen.

You will enjoy the local Cypriot coffee while you stretch your legs in the traditional Kervansaray which is named 'Buyuk Han.

Come and join me on this tour and let's discover the best sites together on this tour.


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