Visit the lovely Puka & Mrizi Zanave Farm

Langue Albanian, Anglais, Grec
Coût 240 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 9 heures

During this day trip we will visit the little town of Puka, situated on a plateau, surrounded by high mountains. A little lake formed recently, has given a warmer atmosphere to this little town situated over 800 meters above the sea level. The settlement is inhabited by the tribe of Puka one of the "seven tribes of Puka". Later the town was called Picaria…

Today we will enjoy the visit to Mrizi I Zanave Farm, where we may have the chance to taste delicious local organic food cooked with love and care from the locals. More to taste & explore at the farm.


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