Mountain Bike High Atlas

Langue Arabe, Anglais, Français, Espagnol
Coût 495 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 6 jours

Day 1

Start Mountain bike tour. From Marrakech via the pass Tizi Tadmamt (2100m)

From the famous Jemaa el Fna square in Marrakesh we start our spectacular journey. To warm up the muscles, we cycle first on the asphalt gradually up to the green Ourika valley. In Arhbalou (ca. 1300m), we go really into the mountains and up to the pass Tizi Tadmamt (ca. 2100m). Then it goes up and down; Mountains at the Atlas, Berber villages and valleys. Eventually we reach the mountain village Imsker: “little Nepal” as our tour leader Jos calls it.

Total approx 100 km. Overnight in Imsker (1450m) – Berber guesthouse.

Day 2

Mountain bike trip through the valley of Imenane to Tacheddirt.

Along a mountain stream we gradually climb up on a beautiful slope to the high Berber village Tacheddirt. Along several villages surrounded by steep, green farm fields and rugged parts of nature.

Total approx 50 km.

Day 3

Mountain bike trip over the pass Tizi Tamatert (2280m) to Imlil.

Today we can choose: the zig-zag way up you’ve seen yesterday to the pass Tizi Tamatert. Or an easy option; very gradual and paved road. You can enjoy the view over the valley in our nice Berber guesthouse in one of the small villages around Imlil. For enthusiasts, there even is the opportunity for a walk along the small Berber villages around Imlil, exploring culture and traditions in the afternoon.

Total approx 15 km. Extra with the climb from Tinghourine approximately 10 km. Overnight near Imlil (1740m) – Berber guesthouse.

Day 4

Bike tour: short walk to Tizi Mezzik + Mountain bike to Tessaouirgane.

Today we are going over the pass Tizi Mezzik (2280m). Our bikes are transported by a mule and we are all walking to the pass. Then we will hit the road again with our bikes. A nice but difficult – single track – descent over rough and sometimes steep slopes through the beautiful valley of Ouïssaden to the village of . Along the way, we have views over beautiful valleys.

Total: walking approx 1,5 hours

Mountain biking approx 35 km.

Overnight in Tassaouirgane (1400m) – Berber guesthouse.

Day 5

Mountain bike tour: the Kik plateau to Amizmiz.

A small decent on the asphalt road to Asni and then a nice climb to the pilgrimage village Moulay Brahim, on the edge of the Kik plateau. From the Kik plateau we still go up and down, to the larger mountain village Amizmiz. Here we stay just outside the village.

Total approx 70 km. Overnight Amizmiz – Berber Guesthouse.

Day 6

Mountain bike trip to Marrakech (ca. 60 km)

A nice day cycling on the asphalt – first on a mountain road which is gradually becoming flatter. Finish of the tour on the famous Jemaa el Fna square and then to the hotel for a well-deserved shower !!!!

Total approx 60 km.


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