All inclusive Day tour toGiza pyramids &the; Egyptian museum Cairo

Langue Arabe, Anglais, indonésien
Coût 95 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 8 heures

Duration 8 hours

Day tour to pyramids & museum from Cairo

Its not logic to be in Cairo and you do not see the Egyptian museum in , Giza pyramids plateau .

You will be driven in modern AC coach to start the tour lets say by visiting the Egyptian museum in Cairo which exhibited collections now exceed 120000 objects ranges from pre-dynastic era, Pharaonic era to the Greco-Roman period it was open in 1902 by the French archeologist August Mariett whose will was to be buried in the museum so his grave is to the far left when entering the museum. you will have a guided tour through the galleries of the museum stopping by the masterpieces . you will see the beauties of ancient Egypt sculpture in first floor in halls of the old ,middle land new kingdoms . in the second floor you can see the breath taking treasures of king tut whose tomb was the only royal tomb to be discovered intact. Also you can meet the great pharaoh of ancient Egypt in the mummy room like king remsess 2nd tutmoses 3rd their bodies still intact for more than 3000 year .

From there you head to visit the Great Pyramids, One of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world including the Great Pyramid of Cheops, middle pyramid of Chephren and mysterious Sphinx, The tour includes visit to the valley temple facing the great sphinx

Then a visit to the royal burial ground during the old kingdom Sakkara you will visit the first proper pyramid built for king Zoser in the 27th century B.C by the architect Imhotep now called the step pyramid and also see some of most beautiful tombs in Egypt for the high officials of the old kingdom

After you finish your tour you will be returned at your resident place.]

What's included

-Hotel pick up and drop off

-Egyptologist tour guide from the pick up until the drop off

-Bottled water

-Air-conditioned vehicle


-Private transportation

-WiFi on board

-Entry fees to all sites and museums


What's excluded

-Gratuities {to guide &driver;}

- Drinks


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