Zanzibar spice farm tour

Langue Anglais, Italien
Coût 80 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 4 heures

Spice tour is pleasant way of exploring island’s spices,their uses in culinary and medicinal effect,it a tour to witness and experience varieties of spices produced in the island of Zanzibar and these spices give Zanzibar its nickname as spice island,cardamom,cinnamon,cloves,black pepper,nutmeg,turmeric,ginger ,vanilla and plenty of them,the guide will accompany with you in one of the owned plantation farm to identify these spices and fell their aroma scattered on the air,you will discover how spices are made into our tables and shape our modern life the way we eat

Tour include lunch of spiced rice

Fruits.drinking water.entrance fee to spice farm and transfer from your hotel to spice farm

if you are in stone town there is a reduction of price.please let's me know


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