Walking Tour in Carthage

Langue Arabe, Anglais, Français, Italien
Coût 100 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 3 heures

Explore the ruins of the 3000 years-old Carthage,and trace the Punic,Roman,Byzantine and Crusadors history.

There are about 9 different sites to see , the most important are the Byrsa Hill , the Antoninus Baths, the Malaga Cisterns , the roman villas ,

the punic ports ; the Salambo Tophet.

The visit can take from 3-6 Hours.

Walking , we can see about 3/4 sites , but to see more sites a car will be necessary.

Total Duration: 3 - 6 hours

Carthage Museuma, Byrsa Hill, Carthage 2016 Tunisia, 1 hour

Carthage, Carthage, Tunis Governorate, 30 minutes

The Roman Theatre of Carthage, Carthage Tunisia, 30 minutes

Transportation can be arranged upon demand , on the charge of the customer.


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