3days Masai Mara Safari In Kenya

Langue Anglais, coréen
Coût 750 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 3 jours

Day1: Nairobi- Masai Mara

Pick up from Nairobi at 8.00 am through Great Rift Valley viewpoint to Masai Mara with a stopover for photo taking.

Arrival for hot lunch and Checks in.

Afternoon game drives at 1600hrs to 1800hrs

Dinner and overnight stay at the camp/lodge

Day 2: Masai Mara

Full day is spent exploring Masai Mara national reserve in search of the big five.

Expectations on what you will easily see are rhinos, leopard, elephants, buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, warthog, Jackals, lions, many types of antelopes, crocodiles, and giraffe.

The Great Migration happens from July, August, September, and late October when migrating wildebeest and zebra from Serengeti (Tanzania) come to Kenya through Mara River.

Picnic lunch is served in the park.

In the evening enroute to the hotel can visit Masai village then return to the lodge for dinner and overnight at the camp/lodge.

Day 3: Masai Mara-Nairobi

Early Morning game drive-in

Late breakfast at the lodge and check out then and depart to Nairobi.

Lunch en route, and then proceeds to Nairobi arriving late in the afternoon.

What’s included

 2 nights’ accommodation

 Transport from Nairobi in a Tour Van/Land cruiser to and from Nairobi

 Meals on full board

 Entry Park fee

 Park fees for the driver guide and the vehicle

 Services of a professional tour guide driver

 Use of hotel facilities.

What’s Excluded

 Lunch on the last day

 Tips & drinks

 Any other expenses not included


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