Private Cuchi Tunnels and Mekong Delta Full Day

Langue Anglais
Coût 79 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 10 heures

- 7:30AM Enjoy a two-hour drive northwest of Saigon, through the southern countryside to the legendary Cu Chi tunnels. Stretching from Saigon to the Vietnam-Cambodia border, the network includes countless trapdoors, entangled living areas, storage facilities and weapons factories, mini military hospitals, command centers and even kitchens. In this tour, you'll explore the life of a Viet Cong soldier underneath the ground.

- Stretching over 200km, this tunnel network -dug by hand- connected shelters, posts, hospitals and weapon bunkers…You can walk through the area and learn about the life of VC, face the cleverly disguised entrances and elaborate booby-traps. Then the mini-van will drive around two hours to reach Mekong area.

- Enjoy lunch in local restaurant on the way to Mekong.

- After lunch, leave the big city behind as the scenery is gradually replaced with rice paddies and rural villages on your drive to My Tho.

- Then the trip will start by taking small boats and cruising on the river to visit a coconut factory to learn about the way how to make coconut candy here and taste some local products. Then you have a chance on horse-drawn carriage through the village and enjoy some tropical fruits.

- After that, the amazing rowing boat trip on the small canal is something you cannot miss. One more islet in this trip will bring you to a small bee farm to enjoy honey tea and other local products.

Then come back to your hotel around 5:30 - 6:00 Pm.


- Private transportation with A/C

- Local English speaking tour guide; other languages are -available on request

- Lunch at a local restaurant

- Bottled drinking water on the car/bus

- All entrance fee

- Private boat trip


- Beverage/drinks on meal (if any)

- Personal expenses

- Other expenses not clearly mentioned in the Inclusion part


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