
Langue Anglais, Français, coréen, Russe, Espagnol, Turc
Coût 65 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 5 heures

start sightseeing from gem of Samarkand – Registan Square and three madrassahs

(religious study centers) surrounding the square: Ulughbek Madrassah (XV c), Sher-Dor Madrassah (XVII c), and

Tillya-Kari Madrassah (XVII c) – covered with gold. Visit to Gur Emir Mausoleum – tomb of Tamerlane, Shakhi

Zinda Necropolis – ensemble including mausoleums and other ritual buildings of IX-XIV and XIX CC, Ulughbek

Observatory, built in XV century by Timurid ruler and astronomer, Bibi Khanym Mosque – built by Amir Timur

(Tamerlane) in XV century and Siyab Bazaar.


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