High light in luxor and aswan

Langue Anglais, Russe
Coût 350 AZN pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 4 jours

An incredible opportunity to see the best historical attractions of Egypt. Explore the impressive Temple of Queen Hatshepsut where some of the statues within are lit up by the sun on one day every year. Stroll through the Valley of Kings where more than 60 royals were laid to rest, many of them Pharaohs and Queens, and then visit Abu Simbel.

In Abu Simbel, marvel at the imposing rock-cut Temples of Ramses II; visit the Aswan High Dam; the Unfinished Obelisk and lose yourself at the ancient Temple of Philae. Enjoy an unforgettable time visiting all the top attractions in a single tour.

All what you may need for in a unique trip in Egypt! Count me in! I will take into consideration all your requests and I am entirely flexible to your needs.

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