Eco cultural Tour to the North and South of Kyrgyzstan

Langue Anglais, Russe
Coût 1500 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 1 semaine 3 jours

Day 1 Osh airport – Osh

Day 2 Osh – Kazarman

Day 3 Kazarman – Tash Rabat

Day 4 Tash Rabat – Kochkor

Day 5 Kochkor – Bokonbaeva, Skazka Canyon – Jeti Oguz

Day 6 Jeti Oguz – Kara Kol

Day 7 Kara Kol – Aksuu – Kara Kol

Day 8 Kara Kol – Bosteri, Issyk Kul lake

Day 9 Issyk Kul lake – Burana – Bishkek

Day 10 Bishkek – Manas airport

Price included:

• All Transfer according to the program

• Professional driver

• English speaking guide

• Accommodation described in the program (yurts, the best guesthouses)

• Full board meals, mineral waters

• Visits and activities described in the program

Day 1. Osh airport – Osh

Meeting at Osh airport. Installation at guest house in Osh. Briefing. First entire day would be dedicated to a sightseeing trip around the Osh. We will visit colorful Osh Bazaar through the Alisher Navoi Park, it is an old park where elderly people drink tea and play chess, attractions for adults and kids.

In the afternoon we climb to the Holy Suleiman Mountain and visit its cave museum. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight in a local Guest House. (L/D)

Day 2. Osh – Kazarman

On this day, we must start our trip as early as possible, because Kazarman is far and very isolated town. Kazarman landscape is absolutely wild and unspoiled. Most parts of the roads to this village were constructed during the Soviet times. Along the way there will be a short stop in Uzgen and in Jalal Abad city. After lunch be ready for adrenalin passing by one of the highest pass Kaldama Ashuu (2985m). You can take photos of amazing panoramic view on the top. Arrival at Kazarman, accommodation at guest house. (B/L/D)

Day 3. Kazarman village – Tash Rabat

After breakfast you will be transferred to the Tash Rabat Caravanserai on the Great Silk Road (Stone Castle from the 14th century). Along the way we will drive along the pass Toguz Toro (2650 m). The building Tash Rabat is unique. It is located at the very heart of Tian Shan Mountains. Tash Rabat was built of stone blocks inside a mountain at an elevation of 3200 m above sea level. In total there are 31 rooms in the mountain. The walls are 1 m thick. There are also underground prison cells formerly used to incarcerate thieves in ancient times. There will be horses if you want to ride for few hours. Traditional dinner and the night will be spent in yurts near Tash Rabat Caravanserai. (B/L/D)

Day 4. Tash Rabat – Kochkor

Today we will drive to Kochkor village. At the Kochkor village you will meet a family that will show you the way of how national woolen felt carpets are produced. You can create your own carpet together with them. Night will be in a guest house. (B/L/D)

Day 5. Kochkor – Bokonbaeva, Skazka Canyon – Jeti Oguz

Today early in the morning we drive to Jeti Oguz gorge. On the way we will have a short break in Bokonbaeva village, after we visit Skazka canyons, which signify Fairytale. Here you can find objects of surprising shapes and sizes. A real skyscraper or an animal may appear in front of you. Here we meet a local eagle-hunter. He hunts hares and foxes with the help of eagles (traditional way of nomads hunting). Hold his eagle and take picture is allowed.

We continue our way to Jeti Oguz, it is famous for its red rock formations that are called the Seven Bulls. Also you will see Broken Heart Mountain. We will take as many photos there as you’d like. There are yurts in the gorge and people can offer you Kumis to drink. It is a national drink that is made from fermented mare’s milk, and it is mildly alcoholic. Your dinner and night will be in nomadic felt dwellings, yurts. (B/L/D)

Day 6. Jeti Oguz – Kara Kol

After breakfast we will visit wonderful waterfall by riding horses where we will take as many photos as we want and have picnic in the beautiful nature. After lunch start your trip to Karakol city. In Kara Kol we will visit the Dungan mosque. One of its highlights is the fact that it was built in a Chinese style without using a single metal nail. The mosque will be followed by a visit to an old wooden Orthodox Church. The night is spent in a guesthouse. (B/L/D)

Day 7. Karakol – Valleys – Kara Kol

In the morning we will visit Kara Kol market where we will see Dungan nations and taste one of the famous dish at the bazaar called ashlyanfu. Today we will drive to the beautiful valleys for short trekking and picnic. After trek we will take an opportunity to take bathe in the naturally warm water in the outdoor hot spring Ak Suu (optional). You will relax for 100 % to dip in its pools after a trek. There are several baths of different temperatures. The hottest bath rises above 40 degrees. This is even too hot for some bathers, but you can also choose from a less hot bath, and there is also an ice cold bath to immerse yourself in. Overnight in a guesthouse. (B/L/D)

Day 8. Kara Kol – Bosteri, Issyk Kul Lake

After breakfast you will be transferred to Issyk Kul Lake surrounded by the celestial mountains. It’s the second largest alpine lake in the world (1608 m. above sea level). The lake is called “the pearl of Central Asia”. Due to the salty water, Lake Issyk Kul possesses curative qualities. On this day we will stay very close to the Issyk Kul lake to enjoy with the beauty of the lake. Overnight in a guest house. (B/L/D)

Day 9. Issyk Kul Lake – Bishkek

Transfer to Bishkek city. On route to the lake you will visit Burana Tower (an 11th century minaret) and an open air museum of Balbans (stone warriors). On the way, we will take a short break to give you the opportunity to visit ancient stone inscriptions (dating back to 800 B.C.). These petroglpihs were made more than 2 000 years ago by shamans. Short tour to Ploshad Pobedy (Victory Square), Duboviy Park (Oak Park), Ploshad Ala-Too (Ala-Too square) and others places according to your request. Visit handicraft shops. Farewell dinner at one of the famous Kyrgyz restaurant. Overnight at hotel. (L/D)

Day 10. Bishkek – Manas airport

Transfer to airport.



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