Linow lake

Langue Anglais
Coût 200000 IDR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 1 jour

The topography in Tomohon is like a sandwich where the area is flanked by two mountains, which is Mount Lokon and Mount Mahawu; this makes this region seem so cool and refreshing. The nature is genuinely beautiful with tremendous panoramic mountains and hills. The flowers that flourished around this area make Tomohon predicated as the city of Thousand Flowers. One of the leading tourist destinations of this area is Lake Linow, a beautiful lake which showing the beauty of 3 colors lake. Located 30 km from Manado or take about 1 hour drive; Lake Linow is can be reached 3 km to the west of Tomohon. During the trip, we will serve by green landscape of hills that covered with large trees. Mount Lokon is still active and it also becomes one of stunning panorama that being presented here. Having almost perfect triangle shape, the mountain seemed to spoil the eye with green trees.

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