Sigiriya one day excursion from Colombo

Langue Anglais, hindi
Coût 195 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 14 heures

Hi! I'm Sandun, but everyone calls me "Sam" 😁. I'm a former Commando soldier. I was working as Professional Tourist Chauffeur and local travel buddy. Now I'm working freelance tourist chauffeur and travel buddy. I'm here with JoinMyTrip, because I like to give you a different experience in Sri Lanka. As a trip leader and local travel buddy, I will get every responsibility about you. And you can discuss anything with me. I will guide you and I will give you unforgettable experience in Sri Lanka.

Sigiriya excursion from Colombo:-

Morning start from colombo. On the way have a breakfast. Visit Dabulla Cave Temple then go to the Sigiriya lion rock. Then Visit Village tour and having a Sri Lankan traditional lunch in the village. After lunch Going to Habarana. Visit Minneriya national Park Jeep Safari. After Safari visit traditional dancing show in Habarana cultural centre. After show we will return to COLOMBO.

If you like to know more about this trip, put a like for this trip and send me a message.


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