A trip through the history of the Medina of Sousse

Langue Anglais, Français, Italien, Espagnol
Coût 30 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 3 heures

Thanks to my 20 years of experience as a professional tour guide all over the country, I offer you a new way to discover the beauty, the history and the monuments of the medina of Sousse; the city founded by Tyrians during the 11th century and named Hadrumetum.

Our tour will start from the top of the medina where in the past the Kasbah or Citadel was dominating the whole area. There we will discover the archeological museum of Sousse which is one of the most important museums of the country thanks to it's Roman and African mosaics.

Then we'll start going daw to the coast crossing through the typical and narrow alley of the old town till we reach the different souks (markets) and discover the daily life and the architecture of the medina. There you'll have the opportunity to find the different artisanal products and of course, if you want to buy some of them.

After that, we'll reach another impressive monument: which is the Ribat, a kind of Arab fortress built between the 8th and 9th century and which is still today one of the highest monuments of the City.

At the end you'll have a short break to relaxe on a panoramic terrace of a bar tasting a mint tea or a coffe.

This tour is a walking tour;

No transportation service is included in this excursion:

The meeting point will be coordinated with customers at the entrance of the medina;

Price is per person;

Entrance fees of monuments are not included in the price


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