Shopping for traditional artefacts in istanbul

Langue Anglais
Coût 85 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 4 heures

As turkey offers a lot to the shoppers and ı know as a guide there are millions coming here to buy the traditional artefacts I'd like to assist my guests to be at the right place for safe shopping

Just like any other big city there are places to buy and not to!

Apart from souvenirs, the top traditional artefacts are carpets, ceramic pottery and leather.

Turkey has been a motherland for many different civilizations such as Cappadocia was one of the places where Hittites used to live and they were the ones making potteries and trading it all over the world, that's why at almost all excavations in turkey their pots and amphoras can be found.

Include only guiding

Exclude entrance fees lunch tips


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