Nightlife tour

Langue Anglais, Turc
Coût 60 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 4 heures

İstanbul is not only famous for historical and nature places ,it is also very famous for nightlife activities. We have many nice open air and close clubs on the bosphours canal side. So if you like to do clubbing We can head to either bosphours side big luxury clubs or local clubs in local area. Local clubs also have different concepts of fantasy dance shows, belly dancers, singers and drag queen shows.

If you are more into pubs then I can suggest many local pubs some of them have live music as well.

Or if you are more calm person and prefer not noisy places then I can suggest nice rooftop bars where we can enjoy the view while sipping our drinks and listen soft music BTW these places also offer hookah so if you are hookah lover you can enjoy your hookah. Or if you are not drinker We can just go to some open or closed rooftop hookah lounges.

The time can be less or more than showed here so it is totally up to you how many hours you prefer to have tour.


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