Balthali Hike

Langue Anglais
Coût 280 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 7 heures

Balthali is another easy accessible hiking destination near Kathmandu. And this hiking route is also suitable for beginners. To start the hike, first you drive to khopasi from Kathmandu.

After that you just hike down from Khopasi via Sanagaun and Nyaupane Gaun. Hikers will pass by the Ladkeshor Mahadev temple during the hike. During the hike, you will be treated to a remarkable view that is rich in culture, natural favors, temples, monasteries, and other natural phenomena such as green hills and mountain ranges view, rice-terraced fields, and many more. After about 3 hours hike you will reach at Balthali, now you can enjoy your time with beautiful surrounding, eating and drinking all the while enjoying the beauty of the local village. After spending pleasure time at the place, now you just get ready to hike back khopasi from where you just drive back to Kathmandu.


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