Langue Anglais, hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi, Pushto, Russe, Ourdou
Coût 5875 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 5 jours

This Kyrgyzstan Tour "Country of Heavenly Mountains" will allow you to plunge into the boundless beauty of nature, because Kyrgyzstan is Switzerland in Central Asia.

Go to the Tien Shan mountains, have lunch in Karakol, see the red rocks "Broken Heart" and "Seven Bulls", visit the Issyk-Kul mountain lake, watch real falconry, swim in thermal springs and taste freshly cooked trout!


1.Lake Issyk-Kul

2.Burana tower

3.Hot springs

4.Semyonovskoye gorge

5.Barskoon waterfall

6.Horseback riding

7.Falconry demonstration


19:00 - meeting at Ala-Too Square, then we will go to Tokmok, where we will visit the oldest building in Central Asia, an architectural monument of the Kyrgyz people - the Burana Tower. Then we will go for a walk through the unique red the Kok-Moynok and the Boomsky Gorge canyons, located at an altitude of 2500 meters. A national lunch will be held in this picturesque place, after which we will go to the southern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake to see the stunning Martian landscapes in the Fairy Tale Canyon (do not forget to free up your smartphone memory in advance if you did not take a camera with you).At the foot of Three waterfalls in the Barskoon gorge we will stay in a cozy glamping. The trick of the evening: Thanks to the unique starry sky, a whole planetarium will be in your hands!

DAY 2.

After breakfast in glamping, we will go for a walk to the foot of Three Waterfalls.

After lunch we will get to a picturesque mountain gorgeJets-Oguz, where we will find ourselves at the rocks "Broken Heart" and "7 bulls“

.You will see colorful rocks frozen in bizarre shapes that look like the ruins of ancient castles! A day of enjoying the eye-catching beauties of blooming fields.


Horseback riding in picturesque places. We will see the untouched, hidden from prying eyes waterfall Kok-Zhaiyk.

Moving to Karakol, we will get overview an excursion:

We Will see the famous Dungan Mosque and Russian the the Orthodox Holy Trinity Cathedral, as well as museum.

The Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky.We will visit the thermal springs locatedin the open air. Bathing in them, you can not only spend time with health benefits, but also enjoy the view of the surrounding landscapes.


Karakol and Trout-

We will go to the Grigoriev gorge (Kyrchin) with stunning landscapes and clean mountain air-filled with the aromas of alpine herbs.

You will become an eyewitness to the national tradition Kyrgyzstan - eagle hunting!

Lunch at the trout farm, after which we will visit the mountain lake Karakol, and then head to the city Cholpon Ata. Express cruise on Lake Issyk-Kul.From the ship you will have a stunning view of the Tien Shan Mountains.

DAY 5-

Issyk-Kul is often compared by the beauty and saturation of the blue color of the water with the famous Lake Geneva.

We use part of the day to enjoy swimming in the second largest salt lake in the world.

After lunch, departure to Bishkek. 19:00 - Arrival at Ala-Too Square.

Completion of the tour.


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