Big Almaty Lake (hidden lake)

Langue Anglais, Kazakh, Russe, Espagnol, Turkmen, Turc, Ouzbek
Coût 175 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 9 heures

Big Almaty Lake – have you ever wondered if there is the 8th wonder of the world? Here it is, the Big Almaty Lake. Overwhelming yet tranquilizing, mesmerizing yet real. Resembles a bowl of crystal-clear water in a mother’s hand. Calcareous and chalky soil falling from the mountain is the imp guilty for 7 times the color change of the lake, from emerald in early autumn and turquoise in mid-summer.

10:00 am Start at the designated point

10:00-11:20 – Trip to Big Almaty Lake

11:20-13:00 – Tracking around the lake

13:00-13:30 – Driving back and reaching the Bear Gorge.

13:30-13:50 – Time for a coffee break at the Visit center

13:50-14:50 – Climbing to a wonderful waterfall Maiden tears

14: 50-15:10 – Heading for lunch

15:10-16:30 – Lunch

16:30-17:00 – Drive to Falconry and roam around

17:00-17:40 – Falcon show

17:40-18:30 – Proceeding back to the hotel

Include: Car, guide, entree fees

Not Included: Food, additional activities


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